6 Solutions to Food Insecurity

Article from the Journal of Nonprofit Innovation

Posted on 2024-02-02 12:00:52
Here are six solutions and action items that can be adopted and considered by governments, communities and countries as they work to improve the food insecurity concerns around them.

6 Solutions for Food Insecurity in your Community

Innovative Ideas Based on Research


Engage Local Nonprofits

"By working together with governments and NGOs, they have already made inroads on adaptation policy, innovation and finance." - Global Food Security Index, 2022

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Invest in Small-Scale Farmers

"Small-scale farmers can produce more food, diversify production, and supply both urban and rural markets." - World Health Organization, 2023

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Support Female Farmers

"Families and communities benefit more with female farmers because they invest in better food, education, and health care." - Heifer International, 2022

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If women farmers were given the same opportunities and resources as men, production could increase between 2.5-4%, which would lead to a decrease of 12-17% of malnourished people in the world (World Food Programme, 2023e). This would raise approximately 150 million people out of poverty and hunger.

Rural women play an essential role in global food production, due to the fact that they are a quarter of the world’s population. Women also make up 41% of the world’ agricultural workforce, and those numbers are higher in developing countries. “In South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, 60% of women work in agriculture” (Heifer International, 2022).

Approximately 30% of people in the world do not have constant access to food.
- World Health Organization, 2023 

1 in 10 do not have enough food to eat.
- Our World in Data, 2023


Targeted Public Policies & Investments

"Policy makers & investors need to create policies that establish a healthier food environment for growing healthy foods & better access to healthy food systems." - JoNI, 2023

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Permaculture & Sustainable Food Systems

"Empowering communities to grow their own healthy food can be a great way to help with food insecurity." - JoNI, 2023

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Understand Urban & Rural Trends

"Food insecurity affects 33% of adults living in rural areas & 26% in urban areas."

"By 2050, 7 out of 10 people will be living in cities."

- World Health Organization, 2023

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“Solutions involve -1) managing natural resources more effectively, 2) ensuring access to water and 3) high-quality soil, and 4) scaling quickly to meet the needs of farmers and the food system.”

“Ultimately, all stakeholders need to work together to build a robust and resilient food system that can withstand wider stresses and shocks amid a demand for more food on limited land amid a warming climate.” —  Global Food Security Index  | 2022

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