Improve Collaboration.

Improve Communities.

Community Leaders
Nonprofit Leaders
Law Enforcement

Working Together To Stop Human Trafficking

The most effective approach in almost any aspect of exploitation and trafficking is collaborative. WikiCharities is being developed not only with nonprofits in mind, but we are also mindful of all community groups working on any issue to bridge the gap through improved collaboration. 


Your idea for this online platform is brilliant. My biggest issue when I have trafficked victims is the lack of resources out there or that I know of.

Why do communities need nonprofits?

Getting Help

Victims of Human Trafficking

Why don’t victims get help?

  1.  Fear of (or trauma bond with) their trafficker
  2.  Distrust in the authorities & a
  3.  Lack of awareness that there are agencies that can support them to safety and recovery.

 BBC News, "Duty to Notify", June 2019

WikiCharities helps victims find services in their community!

Victims can search WikiCharities for services by location, topic and in any language.


Working with Nonprofits

Law Enforcement

"It’s really not a question on whether they’ll [nonprofits] participate, it’s how we will get them to participate in these investigations and support the victims once we find them.”

– Lt. Derek Marsh, C-SPAN Border Crossing Issues, 48m long

“We immediately recognized we were in over our heads.  Language barriers, immigration issues, food-clothing, shelter for the victims, initial interviews with the potential victims—all became problematic in different ways and demanded expertise and resources we did not know how to access.”

- Lt. Derek Marsh, Orange County & Bureau of Human Trafficking.What You Need to Know About Human Trafficking & Modern Slavery, John Vanek, 2019

WikiCharities helps law enforcement have better access to NGOs and services to help victims.

Engaging Nonprofits to Help Victims

Legal Services

Victims service providers are often the experts that we’re going to pull from. So to cross train with them is really important.  We should be cross-training one another and making sure the expertise that we all hold is being shared with our partners.”

— Global Summit on Ending Sexual Exploitation, July 2020. Attorney Advisors: Jane Anderson and Dalia Racine. AEquitas Resource 

WikiCharities helps attorneys and legal service groups find services for victims in any community.

Need for Victim Service Tools 

Global Experts & Researchers

“It is of great concern that protection tools such as those focusing on Victim Case Management and Support, which assist victims in their reintegration after having been exploited, account for only 6% of all the tools, particularly given that the number of detected victims has been consistently increasing over recent years.”  

— Val Richey,  OSCE/Office of the Special Representative and Coordinator for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, Europe. 2017 Study Report, page 25

WikiCharities supports victims by providing a tool to search for after care services!

Importance of Engaging Nonprofits

I.C.E. / Federal groups

“The bottom line is:  To really address trafficking, it is a partnership effort with state and local entities as well as NGOs.  Anything that impedes that communication or the potential communication for that to exist I think favors trafficking organizations.”

 C-SPAN, 2007, minute 1:09. Victor Cerda, Former Director, Detention and Removal Program Immigration & Customs Enforcement

WikiCharities helps federal groups connect with NGOs in their community.

Understand What NGOs Are in the Community

Community Leaders

It is important for community leaders to understand what nonprofit services are available and what services are lacking to better support their community. 

The more we work together, the more effective we will be in fighting human trafficking in all communities. 

WikiCharities helps community leaders better understand what services exist and what services need to be developed to support the vulnerable.


We will work better when we have more links to each other.

Get your community involved today!

Contact Us

WikiCharities is a subsidiary of Given Tree, a U.S. based 501c3 nonprofit organization.